Monday, March 25, 2013

What counts as a dark lance?

This might seem like an obvious question with an obvious answer. A dark lance counts as a dark lance. But that's not what I want to get at. After all, the dark lance is not the only dedicated anti-tank weapon in the Dark Eldar codex.  

Blasters are the other obvious go-to, for reasons of both cost and availability. But does a blaster count as a dark lance? It is pretty similar, but only has half the range. And what about the heat lance, which has different capabilities as well as a different range?

Hot on the heels of my ramblings about how many dark lances one needs in one's army of murderous cutthroats, it is high time to look at how the lesser darklights in the book stack up.

Friday, March 8, 2013

How many dark lances do I need?

Ooo, I rolled a 6!

This is a question I often ask. In the aftermath of Arcanacon, where I ran a list that I knew full well had too little darklight (and still didn't score well on comp... go figure), I've decided to run some probhammer on the question.